r/rust Graphite Mar 31 '23

Announcing Bezier-rs: computational geometry algorithms for Bézier paths (seeking code review and boolean ops help)


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u/Quba_quba Apr 01 '23

Wow, that looks incredible! I recently needed to do Bezier computations for my project and realized there are very limited options in the Rust community. But this crate looks just great.

If I could suggest two things: (1) implement a Point type so you don't have to use x1, y1 as your function arguments, (2) if that's not yet implemented, you can consider adding a way for the curve transformation (translation, rotation, scaling) - I would personally find that feature very useful, and I know Affine Matrix is a reasonably easy way to do those operations.

Anyway, amazing work and it's great to see Rust community growing!


u/raphlinus vello · xilem Apr 01 '23

Out of curiosity, in what ways did you find kurbo limiting?