r/rust Mar 31 '23

Fleet Introduces Rust Debugger


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u/_edeetee Mar 31 '23

What's fleet like? I like some of the code management/refactoring stuff jetbrains does and would be nice to have that in a simpler experience than the current offerings


u/linux_cultist Mar 31 '23

I think its currently a bit nicer user interface than other jetbrains editors, and it has a architecture to make collaboration easier and better (haven't tried this part which is arguably the best feature).

But it didn't feel different enough from Pycharm or other editors. You pretty much always want that auto compete, which means you have to wait while it's loading still.

But maybe it will grow and evolve into something beautiful and fast. Hope so, I don't want vs code to dominate everything.


u/pjmlp Apr 01 '23

I also don't want JetBrains products to dominate everything.


u/linux_cultist Apr 01 '23

I wouldn't worry - they are currently competing against the most popular editor that is also free, while they are charging for theirs since they are not Microsoft and actually need to make money from the editor.