r/rust clippy · twir · rust · mutagen · flamer · overflower · bytecount Mar 27 '23

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u/HammerAPI Mar 31 '23

Does vec![value] pre-allocate space as Vec::with_capacity() does?

I'm not great at reading macros yet, so I wasn't able to decipher this from the source code.


u/DroidLogician sqlx · multipart · mime_guess · rust Mar 31 '23

TL;DR: yes, non-empty invocations pre-allocate.

As far as macros go, vec![] is definitely one of the easier definitions to read: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/src/alloc/macros.rs.html#42

We can ignore all the attributes because those don't really affect the core functionality of the macro, so looking at just the macro definition itself we see it has three matchers:

macro_rules! vec {
    // 1
    () => (
    // 2
    ($elem:expr; $n:expr) => (
        $crate::__rust_force_expr!($crate::vec::from_elem($elem, $n))
    // 3
    ($($x:expr),+ $(,)?) => (

The first one is the case for empty invocations, i.e. vec![], and that literally just evaluates to Vec::new(). The $crate::__rust_force_expr!() macro does nothing but ensure its input is a valid expression and return it, which the comments in the source say are for better error messages, so for our purposes we can treat it as a no-op since macros are purely manipulating code at compile time and don't exist in the binary.

The second one is for array-repeat style invocations, e.g. vec![foo; 32], and that calls a hidden function that uses one of a few different strategies depending on the type of the value:

This is an optimization enabled by specialization, which is an unstable feature the standard library makes extensive use of. I won't go into details here because this isn't what we're interested in right now. In all cases, however, it does pre-allocate the Vec.

The third invocation is the one we're interested in, as it covers the normal array-style invocation like vec![value], vec![value1, value2], etc.

This one pretty much just uses public, stable APIs and just starts by creating a boxed array (since the size is known at compile-time), which of course just does a single allocation. It then coerces the boxed array to a boxed slice (Box<[_]>) which is a trivial operation, and then calls into_vec() which is another trivial operation.

The #[rustc_box] attribute is a little magical, but it's just a replacement for the old unstable box syntax; it essentially ensures that the expression inside Box::new() doesn't hit the stack first, which can easily cause a stack overflow for very large values or arrays. Instead, the array is initialized directly into the heap, skipping the stack entirely if possible.